Investments in Priority Investments Categories and Investment Areas shall be entitled to fiscal incentives under the City of Ilagan Investment and Incentives Code. Non-fiscal incentives such as assistance in business registration, identifying possible business location, business match-making , and hiring of manpower, among others, can also be availed, facilitated by the Local Economic Development and Investment Promotions Office.

  • New investments in priority economic activities under Section 7 and other priority economic activities under Section 8 registered under The Revised City of Ilagan Investment & Incentives Code of 2022 shall be entitled to fiscal incentive under the following schedule :
  • Real Property Tax (RPT) Exemption for one (1) year subject to minimum requirements and shall be governed by general guidelines stipulated in The Revised City of Ilagan Investments and Incentives Code of 2022

Registered enterprises shall be entitled to the following non-fiscal incentives

Submit at the Local Economic Development and Investment Promotions Office the checklist of requirements with the following required documents:

  • Three (3) copies of duly accomplished application form with Board Resolution authorizing the application, if applicable;
  • A copy of project feasibility study;
  • Applicable clearances and permit; and
  • Official Receipt for the payment of registration fee, as follows:

Eligible registered enterprises may file their application on availment of incentives in the Local Economic Development and Investment Promotions Office. Below is the process flow:


Step 1
10 minutes
  • LEDIPO determines completeness of application, including proof of payment of registration fee
  • Stamped date received – date of official acceptance
  • Logging in the application book
Step 2
20 days
  • LEDIPO evaluates the proposed project
  • LEDIPO submits recommendation to CIIB
  • CIIB to resolve application
  • LEDIPO to inform applicants of the decision
Step 3
10 minutes
  • Certificate of Registration with terms and conditions